Doctoral students regularly registered at ED 548 are required to complete at least 90 hours of training during the first three years of the doctorate.
The doctoral Program’s Regulations of the doctoral school (ED) 548 define the school’s training program.
Doctoral students must complete at least 90 hours of training which can be divided as follows:
- A specialized training module directly related to their specialty or interdisciplinary (30 hours minimum to be validated).
- A cross-disciplinary training module allowing them to tackle issues such asresearch ethics and scientific integrity, intellectual property, the promotion of research, business-university relations,
the implementation of a scientific mediation action or the preparation of the doctoral student’s professional project . (30 hours minimum to be validated) - The remaining 30 hours can be freely allocated by the doctoral student: specialized and / or cross-disciplinary training
In this section:
List of Doctoral courses
Research ethics / Plagiarism
Additional missions
Bureau des Études Doctorales
Campus of La Garde
Building R1 -Bureau 102
Tél. : 04 94 14 25 06
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